At this stage, with several Covid local cases in SEQ, we are thinking we may be plunged into Lock Down at any point, but probably not until after tomorrow's NRL Grand Final at Lang Park. Hmmm, that may be being a wee bit cynical but given that the NRL WAGs have been able to cross the border and so many others haven't been granted permission, it seems that the NRL is slated for special treatment.
While we won't be watching the Grand Final, we will be noting scores, how long since the winning team last won, and, of course, the winning margin. I guess we should also check for other sports news over the weekend, just in case any of that finds its way into the Trivia questions. The new, improved (?), larger team is starting to settle into a rhythm but I think we are still in the "forming stage", getting a feel for each other's strengths and special subjects, and where folk are best placed around the table for gameplay. We were six for Trivia on Monday night at Seagulls and we were only 3 points off the Podium so I'm calling that a good effort.
On Wednesdaly night at the Tavern we were back to our usual 3 and managed our best placing yet - 4th. We were excited! The only thing wrong with the Tavern is the time it takes to get a hot drink at halftime; it can take up to 40 minutes. When we asked about it, they said it might be faster if we used their online ordering service. That doesn't make a lot of sense to us but we will give it a try next time - just in case it is faster. And if that doesn't work, we may be bringing our own tea.
We were out at Le Vintage Boutique Cafe on Wednesday to help celebrate R's 6Oth birthday. It's just not the same out there since they sent the snake and the birds on their way: while it still has lots to look at, it seems to be lacking some soul.
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