
We were down at the Broadwater nice and early this morning - so early that the gentlemen who normally sit closest to the Pelicans serving window missed out on their usual table. It was a bit noisier than we've used to there but this time we had no problem hearing when our order was ready.

It continually amazes us how different every morning is down at the Broadwater ... yes, I know I've said it before and will surely say it again but the variety is stunning.

Sooz didn't sleep well again last night so she joined Nigey for a bit of a cat nap when we arrived home - I'm not sure how they decided who would have Sooz's spot - or if they decided to share it but they were both fast asleep on the bed when I went in to check on them. They both had some of the spot so I'm calling it a draw.

But once the washing machine was turned on, Nigey only had eyes for it. I'm not sure if it was her natural cat curiosity coming to the fore but she wanted to be with it and resisted like crazy when I told her that her love affair with the machine could not be. I swear I heard her call me a meanie. At least I know how to coax her out of our room at bedtime now! Mind you, I'm a bit in love with the machine too - and not just because it has a smart "Cotton" program which will determine depth of water, washing time, spin speed and duration - and then play a tune at the end of the cycle! I wonder if the new microwave (sans turntable) is going to be as enchanting. Did I mention the washing machine doesn't have an agitator?

Nigey and the washing machine. is on FaceBook.

Ro was moved to Rehab today and when she said the facility was like a rabbit warren, she wasn't exaggerating. We were fine because, forewarned, we laid down a trail of breadcrumbs so we could find our way back out to the "real world" when we left. I still don't know why she wouldn't let me do: bed goes up ... bed goes down ... bed goes up ... bed goes down. Although now I read that back, I realise why she may have been hesitant - or resistant - because I wouldn't have stopped at just the two reps. She was/is in good form though - and given the number of staff who wandered in while we were there, she isn't going to be alone all that much while she's there. It's just a pity she's restricted to two (only) visitors each day. And that jelly, nicked from her lunch tray before it was whipped away, was delicious!

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