
More Olympics - and I know now what I would do if ever I was in the position of competing in a medal event - regardless of the sport: as soon as I crossed the finish line I'd be falling down right there, spent of absolutely every last skerrick of energy in the race/event. I've been a bit critical this Olympics viewing of the athletes who did just that - especially in the track relays where at the end of their leg, having passed the baton, the runners would stop dead in their track(s) which was, coincidentally, in front of other runners, who would then have to try to avoid running (yes, running) into them. Amazing.

I took Nigey outside for a while again today - there's no need for her to be in lockdown just because we are. She does seem to enjoy it and spent part of her yard time sprinting up and back from the front gate. It may be because she's been watching the Olympics with us. We are just hoping she hasn't been learning anything from the Speed Climbing!

I was looking under the bed for something the other night and while I didn't find what I was looking for, I did find Graham the Mouse who has been MIA for quite a while. Nigey wasted no time in letting him regain his "favoured toy" status.

It's been colder in the evenings of late and we are grateful for the electric blanket and the dressing gown draped on the bed for when the blanket times out. I have yet to finish reading the manual about setting up the mobile phone app to control the blanket. I'm wondering if the technology provides some more timed/timer options than the wired controls. (I'll put it on the list to have a look at.)

We're not going to find out until Sunday if our current lockdown is to end. We're thinking they may extend it if we can't do a couple of zero infection days before then. It's not looking good - but there's still time.

How brave are those folks on the javelin pitch - you know the ones who measure the throws with the pointy end of the javelin coming towards them at a rate of knots: they must have a lot of practice judging "how fast" and "where?"

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