
What a busy couple of days! Well maybe not for everyone but I've certainly been nose to the grindstone working on an assignment that's due tomorrow. All that's left is to proof it - and make sure I change the text colour from blue to black! 

Update (30 August 2021):  Oops, may not have done that - I wonder if Pedro (my teacher) will get any other assignments in a blue font. Ah well, at least I remembered to write and submit Part 3 of the assignment!

We were down at the Broadwater to see the sun rise this morning - that makes our third time since Friday. It is so beautiful down there at dawn - especially as the Pelicans cafe opens early ... so coffee is plentiful.

As always, we remain in awe at the changing scenery down there - it is so different each and every morning, from the folk who wander along the path with their furry friends to those in their watercraft. 

We had company this morning: it is Ro's friend Po's last day on the Coast and she came along for dawn photography. She walked down from the Air BnB and was disappointed she hadn't stopped to take photos of the three swans she saw on her way down to meet us. I'm not sure the dolphin that came along while we were doing the dawn pics made up for it - but I hope it did a little. It's the first dolphin we've seen down there in the morning - and we are always on the look out for them.

Nigey has been back out into the yard since Norm did weed-spraying, but not as much as she'd like. While I sat out there with the camping table and chair working on my TAFE assignment over the weekend, she spent a bit of time at the window and door telling me that if I was allowed out - so was she. "I can keep a lookout for Cecils for you" may have been one of the lines she tried.

While Sooz and I were at Mr Brown's Tuckshop grabbing some lunch the other day we were surprised when a chap came along with his black and white cat on its lead. It was incredibly well-behaved for a feline too - although as they were leaving, it was not so much heeling as doing whatever it wanted; but at least it wasn't bothering the birds.

It's hard not to fall into a “Them" and "Us" mentality with Covid restrictions, I was at the Laundromat yesterday and the two people who came in while I was there were not wearing masks and did not bother to do the electronic check-in either.  I was so not impressed that I found myself thinking punitive thoughts ... something about "teaching then a lesson" ... which would have been turning off their machines.  Hmmmm, I didn't even think about throwing their laundry on the floor until just then.  And I'm appalled at myself for even considering any of that ... I consider myself a sane, rational person and I can't even imagine what it's like for folk who aren't.

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