
They are going to have to do away with the mandatory mask requirement in a minute because, judging by the OfficeWorks shoppers, a lot of them are just ignoring it anyway. There is absolutely no point in having a "mask required before entry" sign at the front door if no-one takes note of it, or enforces it. Or maybe it's the way it's worded ... they might have their mask on "before entry" but certainly it seems to have fallen off - or be firmly fixed underneath noses - by the time they're in the store. Am I just over the whole CoVid thing - following the rules when so many people seem to not give a hoot? At least they haven't plunged us back into lockdown yet ... which I was fairly sure they would have done today - after the footie on Saturday night, and Fathers Day yesterday. But there's still time ... and when we were at Trivia tonight (only two points off third tonight!), Pene thought it could be within the next fortnight or so ... because we are coming up to school holidays again, and that seems to have been a trigger in the past.
Morning down at the Broadwater was marvellous again today - and I hate to be biased about it, but the sunrise is so much prettier when there are clouds about. We're still enjoying our coffee down at Pelicans after the walk - Ruth and her colleagues make an excellent brew, using Byron Bay Coffee - just like The Coffee Box used to. We are getting to be more familiar with the dogs and their walkers ... and I'm not sure about Sooz but I know I am starting to have favourites. Some of them might be birds though ... there are a couple of egrets and herons that make regular appearances - they might not be the same ones - it's hard to tell because they're a fair way away and I haven't been carrying my longest lens down there (yet!).

Morning at the Broadwater ... with clouds. 

I spent a good chunk of time on my TAFE assignment yesterday (consolidating what I'd managed to get done on Saturday) and after a format check and final read through today, I submitted it this morning. I'm waiting for the results now, but in the meantime, I'm working on the next (and final) assignment for this intake: digital images. Because I'd started it a while ago, I now have to find out where the bits I've already done ... I had made a note that they were on OneDrive, but for whatever reason, I hadn't actually put them there. It's not a big deal because I know they're ... somewhere ... and I know that at this point I'm really only missing four images which are destined to be in my mock-up for the gallery app.

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